This practical guide is to visit / get to Holbox from Playa del Carmen (Cancun) where we detail each point to consider.
We start 2 hours by car (rented) taking the highway from Playa del Carmen to Puerto Chiquilá (GPS will take you by highway placing Chiquilá port). Important to make changes from dollars to Mexican pesos since you will need them to pay a fee (toll) of 112 pesos each way, that is, 224 Mexican pesos round trip (approximately $ 13 USD round trip at the time of writing guide). We take this highway that seems to have no end although it is only 2 hours away.
Upon arrival at the Chiquilá port you will find a number of parking lots at 50 Mexican pesos, do not be alarmed or rush since almost in front or in front of the pier you will find regularly available parking even under roof for the same price of 50 pesos mx for 12 hours.
There are two ways to get to Holbox and below we explain our decision (which we do not regret).

How to get to Holbox?

-Take a ferry from Puerto Chiquilá to Holbox for 150 pesos mx each way (there are two ferry companies and they leave every half hour, both purchases in port)
-Take a boat for the same price of 150 pesos each way from pier to pier
-Take a boat for 600 pesos per person (it was our case) and they take you to Ojo de agua or Hoyo Negro (very beautiful spring) as the first stop and additional payment of 25 pesos per person to enter, second for Isla la Pasión with waters crystalline, stunning views and impressive and third in Holbox. In our case and we recommend that you manage to disembark at the “back” of Holbox and not at the dock where the ferry disembarks. In this place you already have the center of Holbox as soon as you disembark.

How to get around in Holbox?

There are several options to tour Holbox.
In our case, the time was not long. So we decided to get to Mantarraya where the letters HOLBOX are located right in the water with hammocks via golf taxi. The golf taxi costs 50 pesos up to 3 people (4 people if you can persuade the driver).
In addition, they can rent a golf cart for 500 Mexican pesos for two hours and a good option to have time to visit other areas / zones.

Where to eat?

There are food places just off the boat. We decided to continue to Mantarraya where they place the letters in the sea with their hammocks. We arrived and ate in that restaurant a very delicious fried fish and the prices fluctuate between 200 pesos to 300 Mexican pesos per dish.
The truth is that it is recommended to visit Holbox with a stop at Isla la Pasión. Very nice experience. Get there early (which we did not do) and be able to enjoy Holbox for several hours. They can also stay on the island and thus have more time for it.

Passion Island

If you want to take a Tour from Playa del Carmen, it is around 1,600 Mexican pesos per person and includes the entire trip, visit Isla Pasión, visit a spring, food, drinks, among other things.
We hope this simple guide is helpful. It has been written from our experience and with the desire to contribute to other visitors.
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